Rihanna – Formal Topknot Updo (2023) – 95th Annual Academy Awards

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Rihanna - Formal Topknot Updo (2023) - [Hairstylist: Yusef] - 20230312

Rihanna – Formal Topknot Updo (2023)

Scissors Logo/Celebrity Hairstylist

Celebrity Hairstylist: Yusef

Event: 95th Annual Academy Awards

GRAMMY award-winning singer Rihanna attended the 95th Annual Academy Awards with a formal updo with a fun topknot by celebrity hairstylist Yusef/Naphia White.

[Pictured: Rihanna – 95th Annual Academy Awards – Hollywood, CA]

Hair Dryer Logo

Tools & Products Used to Create This Style

Often, celebrity hairstylists share which haircare products and hairstyling tools they use to create their looks on social media. Here are the tools & products used for this look.

  • None Specified

Rihanna – Updo Stats

Rihanna - Formal Topknot Updo (2023) - [Hairstylist: Yusef] - 20230312

Rihanna – Formal Topknot Updo (2023)

Hairstyle Length: Long

Hair Color: Black

Highlights: No

Bangs/Fringe: No

Extensions: Yes

Hairstyle Category: Formal

Thumbs Up - Social Media Buzz

Social Media Buzz

Often, celebrity hairstylists share which haircare products and hairstyling tools they use to create their looks on social media. Here are the tools & products used for this look.

Positive Feedback: Rihanna’s fans gave her hairstylist plenty of compliments for this look on social media. Here’s what they had to say. (Some comments may be grammatically corrected for reading ease.)

  • “Great work!🤩😍”
  • “✨Flawless, per usual! 👌🏽✨”
  • “Hair….🔥🔥🔥🔥always!”

Negative Feedback: None.

Lipstick Logo/Additional Style Credits

Additional Style Credits

Our focus may be hairstyles, but it takes a village . . . or a “glam squad,” in this case, to create a cohesive look. Here are the additional talented individuals whose creativity inspired this look.

Additional Rihanna Hairstyles

If you like this, be sure to check out more Rihanna hairstyles below!


Rihanna Hairstyles Feature Collage

Rihanna Hairstyles